Reclamações quando são de outras pessoas a gente ate fala mais não sente tanto agora virou moda Banir pessoas do nada dos lugares.. eu fui a um exploder quando dei tp ao meu namorado , ele veio e ai nem fazer nada estava carregando ainda foi banido.. aqui nosso repudio ao lugar ... não venha nele .. tire do mapa
Complaints from other people when we do not feel up to talking much more now become fashionable Banning people from nowhere places .. I went to an exploder when I tp to my boyfriend, he came there and do nothing she was still carrying banned .. here to repudiate our place ... not come into it .. remove from map
Complaints from other people when we do not feel up to talking much more now become fashionable Banning people from nowhere places .. I went to an exploder when I tp to my boyfriend, he came there and do nothing she was still carrying banned .. here to repudiate our place ... not come into it .. remove from map
resposta do lugar..
16:31] brujitapirujita Aries‧: your bf has been baned, because when the antibot ask him to verify he is not a bot he has do nothing
[16:32] soll Ella‧: but he had not yet loaded, it has to be changed or will not have anyone there
[16:33] soll Ella‧: but it is you who decides to be the owner
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